New Chapter

Created by paul 13 years ago
Paul was born with difficulties he went to special schools but to look at paul you wouldn't know he grew up and moved away trying to live a normal life he defended everyone he would do anything for his friends this is what lead to his death, his friends partner was heavely pregnant and on new years eve outside a pub onthe london road Bath, three girls attacked her outside this pub, hearing a commotion went out side this lead to an arguement with one of the girls this inturn lead to her friends stabbing paul to death then once he lay dying on the ground from six stab wounds two to the heart one of the attackers kicked him in his face, police say he was dead by this point as the stab to his heart was fatel and he died within secs of receving it Paul never stood a chance his murderer walked free even though he admitted to his lawyer he did it the jury where never told of this as Dixon did not defend himself and sat dumb in court.